Saturday, 3 October 2015

Attention grade 9's: St-Donat parent meeting

Once again this year, I am happy to organize another trip for our grade 9 French students to St-Donat, Quebec.  The 4-day trip, which will take place from February 7-10, 2016, is open to any student enrolled in FSF1P, FSF1D, or FIF1D this school year (first semester or next semester).

There will be an important information session for parents on Wednesday, October 7 at 7pm in our school library.  A representative from Perspectives (Tour Company) will be present at this meeting to answer any questions you may have.  As well, we will go over the process of signing up for the trip on our cashless system.  There are 40 student spaces available for the trip.

See you on Wednesday evening!  

4 weeks in...

The semester is off to a great start-- and it's flying by!  Here is where I can be found during the school day:

Period 1:  FSF4U (grade 12 core French), room 116
*Period 2:  ESLDEO (ESL level D/E class), room 116
Period 5:  LWGBD (grade 10 introductory German), room 116

*Note: the previous schedule (with the EPS3OE course during period 4) is no longer valid. 

If I'm not in my classroom, I can be found in the Moderns workroom (room 206), or in Mrs. Cruickshank's room on Tuesdays during lunch (mainly period 4) for our School Reach practices.