Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Welcome back!

Welcome/ welcome back to OT!

I'm looking forward to a great year with all of you, and I can't wait to meet all of our Belgian/ French exchange students who will be here for the first half of semester 1.  If you don't know about this exchange yet, and have any questions, come see me in workroom 206 at any point and I will gladly fill you in!

As well as French, I'm also looking forward to teaching English as a Second Language this year.  This is the first time that OT is offering ESL, and Ms. Logan and I are excited to offer this opportunity.

My teaching schedule for semester 1 is:

Period 1:  ESLDO/EO

Period 2:  FSF4U1

Period 5:  FSF3U1

I hope you've all had a great summer-- see you on September 2!