Saturday, 11 February 2012

End of a great first week!

One week of semester 2 is down-- we're off to a great start! 

*Note that my period 5 civics class has officially been moved to room 101. 

Things to keep in mind for each course as we move into week 2:

Period 1 (FIF3U1):  June, soit prête pour ta discussion lundi matin!  N'oublie pas de consulter le site web  Aussi: les deux groupes qui n'ont pas présenté vendredi, soyez prêts pour lundi (Hannah, Jeremy, June; et puis Lara, Emily et Cheryl).  De plus: nous allons commencer un des romans pour ce cours cette semaine!

Period 2 (FSF2D1):  Les présentations auront lieu ce mardi, le 14 février!  Lundi, vous allez avoir du temps en groupes pour travailler et pratiquer.  I hope you guys had fun doing the practice literacy test on Friday!

Period 5 (CHV2O1):  The Citizenship Reflection Assignment we worked on in class Friday is due on Monday.  Remember: if you choose to do an actual powerpoint, you will need to bring in a laptop to class on Monday (your own, or from the Ridge Room) to present to your small group.  Also, remember that one of your examples that you use cannot be from the film Freedom Writers

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Willkommen!  Bienvenue!

Where am I at the Ridge?

Here is my schedule for semester 2:

Period 1:  FIF3U1-- grade 11 French Immersion (room 211)
Period 2:  FSF2D1--grade 10 Core French (room 213)
Period 5:  CHV2O1--grade 10 Civics (room 209)

Outside of class, I can be found before school, after school and some lunch periods in my workroom (room 221). 

I can also be reached by email: