Wednesday 20 January 2016

The End of Semester Nears...

It's been a great semester!  Some highlights include:

1)  Getting to hear the stories of each of my English Language Learners.  This year, I've been fortunate enough to get to know students from all over the world, and we all learn from what they have to share with us.

2)  In German class, several of our students were recognized at the provincial level for their excellence and participation in the "Zungenbrecherwettbewerb" (tongue twister competition)!  Our class also won a pizza party for having the highest participation rate in the province-- AUSGEZEICHNET!

3)  In French, who can forget the grade 12 trip to The Sultan's Tent in Toronto right before the holidays?  It's definitely a trip that Madame Lavery and I would like to continue with our grade 12's in the future!

Exam schedule for Mr. Yull's classes:

GERMAN (LWGBD):  Thursday, January 28 (9 am)
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE:  (ESLDEO):  Friday, January 29 (9 am)
FRENCH (FSF4U):  Tuesday, February 2 (9 am)

Good luck to all students!  Viel Glueck!  Bonne chance!

Saturday 3 October 2015

Attention grade 9's: St-Donat parent meeting

Once again this year, I am happy to organize another trip for our grade 9 French students to St-Donat, Quebec.  The 4-day trip, which will take place from February 7-10, 2016, is open to any student enrolled in FSF1P, FSF1D, or FIF1D this school year (first semester or next semester).

There will be an important information session for parents on Wednesday, October 7 at 7pm in our school library.  A representative from Perspectives (Tour Company) will be present at this meeting to answer any questions you may have.  As well, we will go over the process of signing up for the trip on our cashless system.  There are 40 student spaces available for the trip.

See you on Wednesday evening!  

4 weeks in...

The semester is off to a great start-- and it's flying by!  Here is where I can be found during the school day:

Period 1:  FSF4U (grade 12 core French), room 116
*Period 2:  ESLDEO (ESL level D/E class), room 116
Period 5:  LWGBD (grade 10 introductory German), room 116

*Note: the previous schedule (with the EPS3OE course during period 4) is no longer valid. 

If I'm not in my classroom, I can be found in the Moderns workroom (room 206), or in Mrs. Cruickshank's room on Tuesdays during lunch (mainly period 4) for our School Reach practices. 


Monday 7 September 2015

Welcome (back)!

I hope everyone has had a great summer, and that you're excited to start the new 2015-16 school year here at OT!

This year, OT is once again welcoming several exchange students from Europe who will be here until the start of November (this year, all students are from France).  In the spring, their exchange partners from OT will head to Europe for 3 months to attend school and experience life there.  If you are interested in studying abroad on an exchange such as this in the future, please come see me in room 116 (or upstairs in the Moderns workroom).  I love helping to make these programs available to students, because I participated in the same exchange in high school, and know first-hand how it can benefit you!

I'm excited to start the new semester!  My schedule for semester 1 is as follows:

Pd.1:  FSF4U--  Grade 12 Core French
Pd.4:  EPS3OE--  Grade 11 Presentation Skills (ESL)
Pd.5:  LWGBD-- Grade 10 Introductory German

This is the first time OT has offered German in many years, and I'm really looking forward to introducing this fascinating language and culture to the OT community!

For all returning students: welcome back!  For all students who are new to our school this year: welcome!  You'll soon find that OT is a great place to be (if you haven't figured it out already)!

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Wo ist die Zeit vergangen?

Wo ist die Zeit vergangen?  German for:  Where has the time gone?  It's June already, and exams are right around the corner!  In each of my classes, performance tasks are currently underway, and the last day of regular classes is Wednesday, June 17.  Exams begin on the 18th-- check out the schedule here:  June 2015 Exam schedule

Good Luck/ Bonne Chance/ Viel Glueck!

Thursday 28 May 2015

Senior Reach: 15th place in Ontario!!!

A huge congratulations to our Senior Reach "A" team for their accomplishments in the provincial final competition that took place in Scarborough on May 9 and 10.  The team finished the tournament with a 5-2 record, narrowly missing out on a spot in the sudden-death competition on May 11.  From hundreds of teams across the province, only 40 teams qualified for the provincial finals, and OTHS finished in a very respectable 15th place.  The future looks bright for next year as most of our players are currently in grade 11 and can participate again as grade 12 students!

Congratulations on all of your efforts this year!!!

Thursday 9 April 2015


Congratulations to our Senior Reach "OTHS 1" team which won the Halton Championships earlier today, defeating White Oaks in the final game.  Mrs. Cruickshank and I are so proud of you!  Next stop:  the PROVINCIALS in May!  Way to go!